CSR Excellence Awards 2023

Most Impactful Solar Panel Solutions Company & Zero Carbon Excellence Award Industry-leading JinkoSolar is the first solar manufacturer to commit to RE100/EP100, an initiative led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, to rapidly accelerate change in order to attain a zero-carbon status. In addition to this, the company has committed to SBTi, another global initiative that has been designed to highlight to companies just how much and how quickly they need to curb their release of greenhouse gas emissions in order to lessen the detrimental impacts of climate change. In keeping with its commitment to these initiatives, JinkoSolar is proud to have already achieved green electricity in three of its factories in China and other overseas territories, securing it our Zero Carbon Excellence Award. Regarding social aspects, the company’s joining of the UN Global Compact Organisation (UNGC) in April 2021 highlights an ongoing commitment to upholding the best business practices and the ten key principles that define UNGC membership, with these universally accepted principles covering areas such as human rights, labour, environment, as well as anti-corruption. Off its own back, JinkoSolar has also established a product traceability management programme, with this endeavour aiming to “meet the increasing expectation from the clients, investors, and external stakeholders to offer a stronger level of comfort, thus enhancing a mutual understanding and trust”, as Aga tells us. Operating in the rapidly developing and continually prosperous European solar industry, JinkoSolar has positioned itself effectively to leverage the increasing demand for solar energy, bolstered by a track record of delivering high calibre solutions and an unrivalled understanding of the market. Aga elaborates further, “Jinko is constantly innovating and developing new technologies to improve the efficiency and reliability of its solar panels, which will help the company remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.” With its flagship product, Tiger Neo, and close partnerships with customers and others in the industry alike, new opportunities and products are being explored to exceed current and future needs. The company’s TOPCon technology remains leaps and bounds ahead of the competition, with the only other well-matched alternative yielding a much higher cost. TOPCon is the industry’s premier technology, and this serves to fuel competitiveness across the field, a good thing in the long run as it improves efficiency and reduces costs. Aga believes further changes are ahead, explaining, “as energy prices continue to rise and governments and consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, there will likely be increased demand for renewable energy solutions. This JinkoSolar Co., Ltd is one of the largest PV module manufacturers on the planet, and for three years in a row between 2016 and 2019, was ranked first for global shipment, and has continued to remain competitive in the years since, particularly in the realms of technology, vertically integrated capacity, and global sales networks. With more than 46k employees across 12 factories located around the world, JinkoSolar stands as a beacon for stable and sustained growth, serving more than 3k satisfied customers in 160 countries. We catch up with Head of Marketing, BD, & ESG Aga Michalak, in order to find out more about the company’s unwavering commitment to ESG topics. could lead to a shift in market conditions, with more investment and development in the solar […] industry.” Moving ever forward, JinkoSolar’s overarching aims revolve around improving the efficiency of its solar products and low-carbon production operations, and also continuing to hone its ESG management framework. Aga explains that over the past couple of years, “our ESG management has become increasingly standardised, efficient, and reasonable, and our overall governance level and innovation vitality have significantly improved.” This has been achieved through continuous research, participation in the Climate Ambition Accelerator project, and membership with the SSI, which helps businesses to achieve transparency across supply chains. Going hand-in-hand with its net zero journey, the company has aptly prepared itself for successful operations in a number of markets across Europe, utilising its cutting-edge technology to get the low carbon footprint of some of its premier PV modules. JinkoSolar Co., Ltd also hopes to bear the fruit early this year of a two-year initiative that has seen it invest heavily in increasing its module capacity. Other future plans include constructing and implementing a fully vertically integrated plant in the Shanxi province in which it operates, with Shanxi serving as the company’s primary focus as it continues to innovate and expand its fantastic solar energy offerings over the next few years. Contact Details Contact: Aga Michalak Company: JinkoSolar Co., Ltd Web Address: https://jinkosolar.eu/ Dec23070