Aviation and Aerospace Award Packages 2023

Aviation & Aerospace Packages 2024 THE BUSINESS CONCEPT. Your insight into the world of business

The Business Concept is proud to deliver the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2024 for another exciting annual edition! Each year, we aim to spotlight innovation and commitment to service across the breadth of the aviation and aerospace sectors. With categories for every specialism, we’re set to salute industry leaders in aerial technology, luxury tours and travel, aircraft design, manufacture, and maintenance, and more! After a turbulent few years marked by challenges, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, international airspace disruptions caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and an energy crisis, aviation professionals have worked hard to regain altitude. Despite these setbacks, the industry has embraced forward-thinking trends in rising automation and heightened guest experience to emerge resilient. The Business Concept is out to identify those propelling the aviation and aerospace industries to new heights, whether that be through dedication to outstanding customer satisfaction, innovation in manufacturing and design, or commitment to quality in products and services. With the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2024 now open for nominations worldwide, any individual or business operating within this dynamic sector is welcome to apply. We remain a free-to-enter programme and encourage self-nominations alongside third-party nominations for those you feel are deserving of recognition. To ensure a fair process for all, we are proud to state that successful participants are selected based on overall merit and quality, and not on the quantity of votes received or the size of the business. Alongside any nomination rationale, The Business Concept’s dedicated and impartial team will also consider information from a variety of publicly accessible sources in our quest for the best. Participating in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2024 offers a transformative opportunity for your business, bolstering your position as an industry leader and showcasing your commitment to award-winning service. As a successful awardee, you’ll receive a complimentary celebration package to help publicise your success. In addition, awardees are welcome to explore our range of exclusive promotional opportunities to maximize your exposure and spread the good news far and wide! About the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2024 Use of the Press Release SEO directory listing Complimentary Package

Full page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Bronze Package: 695 GBP 78. Best Luxury Aircraft Specialists 2023 - Western Europe Despite the standardisation of aircraft to specific types, a dynamic livery can leave an astonishing impression on customers and create a unique brand image. Few understand this better than Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio. Having achieved such success in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023, we took a closer look at the work of the Happy Design Studio team to uncover the secrets of their success. Didier tells us. “However, times change and tastes evolve. Nowadays, there is a growing trend toward greater personalization in the aviation sector. From bespoke hand-finished cabin interiors to custom paint jobs, today’s owners and operators are looking for new ways to put their unique stamp on their aircraft – and more importantly, to stand out from the crowd. Happy Design Studio take the concept of custom livery and turn it into an art form.” Being based in the Grand Est, Didier and his team rest on the border of four countries, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. It is a position at the heart of Europe, offering a rich source of opportunities and territorial specificities. “From a cultural and geographical point of view I really feel like I am in the middle of Europe,” Didier tells us with a smile. Small wonder that his designs also embrace a range of cultural influences. These influences, however, are more foundational than you might think. “We’re constantly invaded by images from advertising, from TV and so on,” Didier explains. “I have to say that I am also invaded by my own 3D images and software. At least once a year, I visit the Louvre in Paris to reset my eye and go back to the foundations of colour, light, perspective and proportion. I go to look at the paintings and sculptures. My soul is richer when I leave and I feel full again - here is the peak efficiency.” When we look at Happy Design Studio, we look at a firm which embraces the foundational, that considers the overall impact and that celebrates the age of customisation in which we now live. Where once simplicity and uniformity was key, now customers expect something bold and unique. That’s what Happy Design Studio deliver, and that’s what has brought them such success within the aviation industry. Company: Happy Design Studio Name: Didier Wolff Email: [email protected] Web Address: https://www.happydesign.net/ With an incredible range of aviation businesses flying around the world, a unique image that defines your craft is a just-have. For Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio, it’s a passion which he takes incredibly seriously. To him, there is a certain poetry to aircraft and sky, such that the aircraft in the ultimate 3D sculpture and the sky the ultimate gallery. It’s little wonder, with such an eye for detail, that he is awardwinning in many different areas. Since 2009, Didier has been creating unique aircraft liveries for his clients, shamelessly ignoring marketing demands and analysis in favour of a old approach that captures peoples’ imaginations. “I guide the painting process in its entirety in order to to ensure the exact match with the original project validated by my clients, and most of all make sure that it has been painted in agreement with the aviation state of the art rules. Apart from this, my work is not subject to any compromise.” Such strength of attitude is why his designs are in such high demand. “Traditionally, aircraft livery design has always erred on the side of caution: one or perhaps two colours, a logo here, and a line there,” Dec22369

2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Silver Package: 995 GBP Jane Henderson AI Global Media Ltd J Henderson Have been named This is to certify that: Awarded (Month Year) Company name or company logo Award title CERTIFICATE AWARD WINNER AWARD WINNER Founded in the midst of 2020, Triple C Aviation has rapidly become one to watch within the field of aviation for its CAMO support, compliance monitoring, safety management, and design/certification services. Also managing many projects on request, Triple C Aviation works with aircraft pre-purchase inspections, asset audits for leasing banks, training, aircraft transaction support, and more. Its USP is that it has many years of experience to guide it smoothly and effortlessly to success. Its CEO, Patrick Gauder, tells us, “I have experience in the field of aviation, especially business aviation, since 2003. Within that time span of 20 years, I was lucky enough to work for many great companies/business jet operators in technical departments (meaning CAMO = Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization). Therefore, I had the chance to work with a lot of vendors, manufactures, service providers, and aircraft owners/clients.” Not only does its CEO have years of experience behind him, but the entire team is made up of aviation experts with experience that amasses to a level of skill that cannot be learned quickly. This gives Triple C Aviation the edge on the competition and allows it to stay one step ahead of the curve at all times. After beginning with the classic CAMO support, Patrick informs us, “We quickly expanded to Compliance Monitoring, Safety Management and Design/Certification services as well. Besides that, we manage many projects based on request e.g., Aircraft Pre-Purchase Inspection, Asset Audits for Leasing Banks, Training, Aircraft Transaction Support etc.” Triple C Aviation’s expert level of quality/compliance monitoring services and safety management systems ensure internal and external audits of flight operations are correct every time. These can involve contractor, subcontractor, and supplier audits, and its support is always related directly to the areas within the safety management systems used today. For aircraft asset audits and inspections, Triple C Aviation leans into aircraft documentation and record reviews when conducting physical aircraft inspections – utilising retrospective aircraft technical documentation backups when needed, thus ensuring everything is in its place and compliant. With many specialties, Triple C Aviation is becoming a favourite for its stability and Triple C Aviation provides a myriad of services within the aircraft and aviation industry, and we are pleased to present it with an accolade that reflects just how incredibly hard it works. Here we talk to Triple C Aviation’s CEO, Patrick Gauder, as it wins this tremendous title in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023. innovation across the aviation landscape. With so many changes within this fast-paced industry, it is imperative that we find a business we can trust and rely on. The aviation industry has faced a huge number of changes, and, due to its combined years of experience, Triple C Aviation has everything it needs to take on a challenge. From “EASA regulations implemented in the EU in many areas, to the big financial crash in 2008/2009,” there were a lot of changes to be made within the industry. With regulation changes comes different responsibilities however, this is never a problem for Triple C Aviation as its team works hard together and regularly checks regulation changes to stay up to date. Every change is then implemented into the company by its committed and competent staff members. Patrick continues, “The recent crisis with COVID and Ukraine had a massive impact on Triple C Aviation as well, as we first had to deal with new requirements like aircraft disinfection prior maintenance actions and closed airports. Now we have the war and related export restrictions, and sanctions, against certain entities.” The team at Triple C Aviation makes all of the challenges into opportunities for growth by being willing to learn and adapt – and their evolution is indicative of the company’s ability to transform and mould itself to the current situations affecting the industry as whole. With regards to the future, this team of valuable employees will help Triple C Aviation to succeed even in the face of adversity – whether that’s changes in the industry, or the world entirely. Patrick knows that “Safety Management System will become a bigger factor for all aviation related companies/areas and must be implemented and executed”, which will ultimately influence the way Triple C Aviation operates. 2023 and beyond looks bright for the business as our environment continues to change on a yearly basis. Patrick reveals, “On a technology basis, sustainability will be a big topic for us. We cannot and will not stop flying, but we must do our part to reduce the CO2.” This move is monumental for Triple C Aviation, and we are proud to showcase its plans for development. Winning Best Aircraft Acquisition & Aviation Services Company 2023, Austria, Triple C Aviation has gained even more recognition for its services. Triple C Aviation’s areas of expertise have turned it into one of the most reliable aviation businesses in the industry, and it shows no sign of slowing down as it soars to record highs – despite the challenges it has faced and may face in the future. We are pleased to present Triple C Aviation with its new accolade, and we are sure to see it continue on its path to unrivalled success. Contact: Patrick Gauder Company: Triple C Aviation Web Address: http://www.ccc-aviation.at/ Best Aircraft Acquisition & Aviation Services Company 2023 – Austria 5.

Your company logo on the Front Cover 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Gold Package: 1,595 GBP Jane Henderson AI Global Media Ltd J Henderson Have been named This is to certify that: Awarded (Month Year) Company name or company logo Award title CERTIFICATE AWARD WINNER AWARD WINNER Featuring: Flight School of the Year - USA Women and people of colour make up less than 10% of the aviation industry, but it has become clear that diversity of background is a strength to any sector. For the team at Flex Air, the priority is to reach out to anybody and everybody who aspires to work in the aviation industry, and provide them with the training they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace. The aviation industry is currently entering a potential period of crisis. More pilots than ever before are needed to fill an increasing number of vacancies. With many retiring and few entering the workforce, hundreds of thousands of new pilots will be hired over the next five years. But where they come from is another question. We asked Paul Wynns what challenges the sector is currently facing. “After decades of under-investment, the flight school industry can’t keep up with demand,” he tells us. “8 out of 10 students drop out of training. The aircraft we ask these earlycareer men and women to fly were designed 50 years ago by engineers with slide rules. They’re the #1 source of airborne lead pollution. And we ask students and instructors to fly in these planes up to 8 hours every training day. But worst of all is the diversity gap. Minorities represent less than 10% of the airline pilot population.” Despite these difficulties, circumstances for pilots have never been better. Entry-level pay has jumped by 70% in one year, whilst salaries are up by 50% in 2019 in spite of a historically tight labour market. Aviation is an industry where people can flourish, if only it can reach out to new people. “Flex Air addresses these challenges by focusing on partnerships with community and industry organisations that connect all interested students with the resources and mentorship they need to launch an airline career,” Paul explains. “We are a Platinum Scholarship Partner with the National Gay Pilots Association, support career education events for the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and have partnered with high schools to reach underserved youth populations.” This commitment to reaching out to all areas of the population also applies to the leadership team at Flex Air. “Our founding team includes a serial entrepreneur who is a senior airline pilot and leader in the National Gay Pilots Association, and I’m a veteran Navy flight instructor and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation,” Paul says. “Our world-class advisory board features members who have been lauded by the Smithsonian Museum’s Women’s Futures exhibit, Women in Aviation International, the Kansas and Colorado State Aviation Halls of Fame, and the National Science Foundation.” It’s this breadth of knowledge, experience and background that has guided many of the methods which the Flex Air team have adopted. It’s little wonder that the flight school experience for those at Flex Air is not like any other in the aviation industry. “We provide coaching and career advocacy in our One Crew mentorship system,” Paul explains. “All lessons are conducted in a 1-on-1 or small group environment with a dedicated flight instructor and dedicated career mentor.” This focus on individuals has brought the team immense success. In a sector where the overall dropout rate for student pilots is currently at 80%, Flex Air is looking to change how the industry as a whole sees pilots. To recognise success in training, it’s important not only to look at grades but where students end up afterwards. The team at Flex Air have made it their mission to connect individuals and families with highly paid and respected careers as commercial pilots. With career outcomes that are 350% better than the industry average, they have been justly recognised in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023. We caught up with Paul Wynns find out more. “Our One Crew training system offers mentorship and networking opportunities for all students at all levels of training,” Paul tells us. “Our goal is to create a pilot community that’s representative of the diverse world we live in, one that can reap the many benefits that diversity will bring as we enter the second century of aviation.” The growth of a community which is forward looking and inspirational, encompassing a broad range of backgrounds, is certain to have a transformational effect on those who come into contact with it. Of course, training the next generation is not purely a social issue, and the Flex Air team have embraced the latest technology to make the process as straightforward as possible for their students. “Flight training is a crucial part of becoming a pilot,” Paul says, “and it can be a time-consuming and complex process. One way Flex Air makes it more efficient and effective is by using automated scheduling. This involves using AI/ML technology to manage and coordinate flight training activities, from scheduling flights and instructors to tracking progress and ensuring compliance with regulations.” These automated schedules can save significant time and effort, allowing flight training to be completed more swiftly and opening the door to pilots becoming certified and starting their careers sooner. Looking ahead, the team are partnering with academic and industry partners to try new ways of educating potential pilots. Gamified training, VI/AR and emerging EdTech tools that focus on the non-regulated parts of the student training experience are all being considered. “This allows us to make every minute of aircraft or simulator time more efficient, without limiting our innovation timeline to the FAA approval process,” Paul explains. It’s this considered approach which has allowed the team to train so many pilots to such an astonishingly high standard. We wondered what the future holds for Flex Air, and Paul was happy to explain why sustainability is one of the watchwords of the team currently. “Most training aircraft were designed and manufactured between 1960 and 1983,” he tells us. “Our students, instructors, and airline partners deserve a better and more environmentally responsible training experience than what these outdated planes can deliver. They should be insulated from the cost fluctuations of an uncertain avgas supply chain. Training tempo needs to increase to match the intense demand for new airline pilots. This means we need aircraft that are more reliable and efficient than old piston trainers. So we’ve committed to electrifying our entire primary trainer pipeline, and our new aircraft will enter service by 2025.” With a holistic approach to the aviation industry, and the training of those who bring it to life, it’s little wonder that Flex Air has achieved such remarkable acclaim. We celebrate the success of this diverse, dynamic team and cannot wait to see what they do next! Company: Flex Air Name: Paul Wynns Email: [email protected] Web Address: goflexair.com

Supporting front cover image & headline 2 page article Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital brochure Platinum Package: 2,995 GBP Jane Henderson AI Global Media Ltd J Henderson Have been named This is to certify that: Awarded (Month Year) Company name or company logo Award title CERTIFICATE AWARD WINNER AWARD WINNER Flight School of the Year - USA Women and people of colour make up less than 10% of the aviation industry, but it has become clear that diversity of background is a strength to any sector. For the team at Flex Air, the priority is to reach out to anybody and everybody who aspires to work in the aviation industry, and provide them with the training they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace. The aviation industry is currently entering a potential period of crisis. More pilots than ever before are needed to fill an increasing number of vacancies. With many retiring and few entering the workforce, hundreds of thousands of new pilots will be hired over the next five years. But where they come from is another question. We asked Paul Wynns what challenges the sector is currently facing. “After decades of under-investment, the flight school industry can’t keep up with demand,” he tells us. “8 out of 10 students drop out of training. The aircraft we ask these earlycareer men and women to fly were designed 50 years ago by engineers with slide rules. They’re the #1 source of airborne lead pollution. And we ask students and instructors to fly in these planes up to 8 hours every training day. But worst of all is the diversity gap. Minorities represent less than 10% of the airline pilot population.” Despite these difficulties, circumstances for pilots have never been better. Entry-level pay has jumped by 70% in one year, whilst salaries are up by 50% in 2019 in spite of a historically tight labour market. Aviation is an industry where people can flourish, if only it can reach out to new people. “Flex Air addresses these challenges by focusing on partnerships with community and industry organisations that connect all interested students with the resources and mentorship they need to launch an airline career,” Paul explains. “We are a Platinum Scholarship Partner with the National Gay Pilots Association, support career education events for the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and have partnered with high schools to reach underserved youth populations.” This commitment to reaching out to all areas of the population also applies to the leadership team at Flex Air. “Our founding team includes a serial entrepreneur who is a senior airline pilot and leader in the National Gay Pilots Association, and I’m a veteran Navy flight instructor and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation,” Paul says. “Our world-class advisory board features members who have been lauded by the Smithsonian Museum’s Women’s Futures exhibit, Women in Aviation International, the Kansas and Colorado State Aviation Halls of Fame, and the National Science Foundation.” It’s this breadth of knowledge, experience and background that has guided many of the methods which the Flex Air team have adopted. It’s little wonder that the flight school experience for those at Flex Air is not like any other in the aviation industry. “We provide coaching and career advocacy in our One Crew mentorship system,” Paul explains. “All lessons are conducted in a 1-on-1 or small group environment with a dedicated flight instructor and dedicated career mentor.” This focus on individuals has brought the team immense success. In a sector where the overall dropout rate for student pilots is currently at 80%, Flex Air is looking to change how the industry as a whole sees pilots. To recognise success in training, it’s important not only to look at grades but where students end up afterwards. The team at Flex Air have made it their mission to connect individuals and families with highly paid and respected careers as commercial pilots. With career outcomes that are 350% better than the industry average, they have been justly recognised in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023. We caught up with Paul Wynns find out more. “Our One Crew training system offers mentorship and networking opportunities for all students at all levels of training,” Paul tells us. “Our goal is to create a pilot community that’s representative of the diverse world we live in, one that can reap the many benefits that diversity will bring as we enter the second century of aviation.” The growth of a community which is forward looking and inspirational, encompassing a broad range of backgrounds, is certain to have a transformational effect on those who come into contact with it. Of course, training the next generation is not purely a social issue, and the Flex Air team have embraced the latest technology to make the process as straightforward as possible for their students. “Flight training is a crucial part of becoming a pilot,” Paul says, “and it can be a time-consuming and complex process. One way Flex Air makes it more efficient and effective is by using automated scheduling. This involves using AI/ML technology to manage and coordinate flight training activities, from scheduling flights and instructors to tracking progress and ensuring compliance with regulations.” These automated schedules can save significant time and effort, allowing flight training to be completed more swiftly and opening the door to pilots becoming certified and starting their careers sooner. Looking ahead, the team are partnering with academic and industry partners to try new ways of educating potential pilots. Gamified training, VI/AR and emerging EdTech tools that focus on the non-regulated parts of the student training experience are all being considered. “This allows us to make every minute of aircraft or simulator time more efficient, without limiting our innovation timeline to the FAA approval process,” Paul explains. It’s this considered approach which has allowed the team to train so many pilots to such an astonishingly high standard. We wondered what the future holds for Flex Air, and Paul was happy to explain why sustainability is one of the watchwords of the team currently. “Most training aircraft were designed and manufactured between 1960 and 1983,” he tells us. “Our students, instructors, and airline partners deserve a better and more environmentally responsible training experience than what these outdated planes can deliver. They should be insulated from the cost fluctuations of an uncertain avgas supply chain. Training tempo needs to increase to match the intense demand for new airline pilots. This means we need aircraft that are more reliable and efficient than old piston trainers. So we’ve committed to electrifying our entire primary trainer pipeline, and our new aircraft will enter service by 2025.” With a holistic approach to the aviation industry, and the training of those who bring it to life, it’s little wonder that Flex Air has achieved such remarkable acclaim. We celebrate the success of this diverse, dynamic team and cannot wait to see what they do next! Company: Flex Air Name: Paul Wynns Email: [email protected] Web Address: goflexair.com

Main front cover image & headline 4 page article placed at the front end of the magazine 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital brochure 100 high quality copies of your 8-page brochure Double Page Spread in future issue of SME News Editor’s Choice Package: 5,295 GBP Jane Henderson AI Global Media Ltd J Henderson Have been named This is to certify that: Awarded (Month Year) Company name or company logo Award title CERTIFICATE AWARD WINNER AWARD WINNER x2 Founded in the midst of 2020, Triple C Aviation has rapidly become one to watch within the field of aviation for its CAMO support, compliance monitoring, safety management, and design/certification services. Also managing many projects on request, Triple C Aviation works with aircraft pre-purchase inspections, asset audits for leasing banks, training, aircraft transaction support, and more. Its USP is that it has many years of experience to guide it smoothly and effortlessly to success. Its CEO, Patrick Gauder, tells us, “I have experience in the field of aviation, especially business aviation, since 2003. Within that time span of 20 years, I was lucky enough to work for many great companies/business jet operators in technical departments (meaning CAMO = Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization). Therefore, I had the chance to work with a lot of vendors, manufactures, service providers, and aircraft owners/clients.” Not only does its CEO have years of experience behind him, but the entire team is made up of aviation experts with experience that amasses to a level of skill that cannot be learned quickly. This gives Triple C Aviation the edge on the competition and allows it to stay one step ahead of the curve at all times. After beginning with the classic CAMO support, Patrick informs us, “We quickly expanded to Compliance Monitoring, Safety Management and Design/Certification services as well. Besides that, we manage many projects based on request e.g., Aircraft Pre-Purchase Inspection, Asset Audits for Leasing Banks, Training, Aircraft Transaction Support etc.” Triple C Aviation’s expert level of quality/compliance monitoring services and safety management systems ensure internal and external audits of flight operations are correct every time. These can involve contractor, subcontractor, and supplier audits, and its support is always related directly to the areas within the safety management systems used today. For aircraft asset audits and inspections, Triple C Aviation leans into aircraft documentation and record reviews when conducting physical aircraft inspections – utilising retrospective aircraft technical documentation backups when needed, thus ensuring everything is in its place and compliant. With many specialties, Triple C Aviation is becoming a favourite for its stability and Triple C Aviation provides a myriad of services within the aircraft and aviation industry, and we are pleased to present it with an accolade that reflects just how incredibly hard it works. Here we talk to Triple C Aviation’s CEO, Patrick Gauder, as it wins this tremendous title in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023. innovation across the aviation landscape. With so many changes within this fast-paced industry, it is imperative that we find a business we can trust and rely on. The aviation industry has faced a huge number of changes, and, due to its combined years of experience, Triple C Aviation has everything it needs to take on a challenge. From “EASA regulations implemented in the EU in many areas, to the big financial crash in 2008/2009,” there were a lot of changes to be made within the industry. With regulation changes comes different responsibilities however, this is never a problem for Triple C Aviation as its team works hard together and regularly checks regulation changes to stay up to date. Every change is then implemented into the company by its committed and competent staff members. Patrick continues, “The recent crisis with COVID and Ukraine had a massive impact on Triple C Aviation as well, as we first had to deal with new requirements like aircraft disinfection prior maintenance actions and closed airports. Now we have the war and related export restrictions, and sanctions, against certain entities.” The team at Triple C Aviation makes all of the challenges into opportunities for growth by being willing to learn and adapt – and their evolution is indicative of the company’s ability to transform and mould itself to the current situations affecting the industry as whole. With regards to the future, this team of valuable employees will help Triple C Aviation to succeed even in the face of adversity – whether that’s changes in the industry, or the world entirely. Patrick knows that “Safety Management System will become a bigger factor for all aviation related companies/areas and must be implemented and executed”, which will ultimately influence the way Triple C Aviation operates. 2023 and beyond looks bright for the business as our environment continues to change on a yearly basis. Patrick reveals, “On a technology basis, sustainability will be a big topic for us. We cannot and will not stop flying, but we must do our part to reduce the CO2.” This move is monumental for Triple C Aviation, and we are proud to showcase its plans for development. Winning Best Aircraft Acquisition & Aviation Services Company 2023, Austria, Triple C Aviation has gained even more recognition for its services. Triple C Aviation’s areas of expertise have turned it into one of the most reliable aviation businesses in the industry, and it shows no sign of slowing down as it soars to record highs – despite the challenges it has faced and may face in the future. We are pleased to present Triple C Aviation with its new accolade, and we are sure to see it continue on its path to unrivalled success. Contact: Patrick Gauder Company: Triple C Aviation Web Address: http://www.ccc-aviation.at/ Best Aircraft Acquisition & Aviation Services Company 2023 – Austria 5.

Bespoke trophy: 345 GBP Slate trophy: 345 GBP Wall plaque: 345 GBP Personalised digital logo: 245 GBP Personalised digital certificate: 245 GBP Full page editorial: 395 GBP Single Items 78. Best Luxury Aircraft Specialists 2023 - Western Europe Despite the standardisation of aircraft to specific types, a dynamic livery can leave an astonishing impression on customers and create a unique brand image. Few understand this better than Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio. Having achieved such success in the Aviation and Aerospace Awards 2023, we took a closer look at the work of the Happy Design Studio team to uncover the secrets of their success. Didier tells us. “However, times change and tastes evolve. Nowadays, there is a growing trend toward greater personalization in the aviation sector. From bespoke hand-finished cabin interiors to custom paint jobs, today’s owners and operators are looking for new ways to put their unique stamp on their aircraft – and more importantly, to stand out from the crowd. Happy Design Studio take the concept of custom livery and turn it into an art form.” Being based in the Grand Est, Didier and his team rest on the border of four countries, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. It is a position at the heart of Europe, offering a rich source of opportunities and territorial specificities. “From a cultural and geographical point of view I really feel like I am in the middle of Europe,” Didier tells us with a smile. Small wonder that his designs also embrace a range of cultural influences. These influences, however, are more foundational than you might think. “We’re constantly invaded by images from advertising, from TV and so on,” Didier explains. “I have to say that I am also invaded by my own 3D images and software. At least once a year, I visit the Louvre in Paris to reset my eye and go back to the foundations of colour, light, perspective and proportion. I go to look at the paintings and sculptures. My soul is richer when I leave and I feel full again - here is the peak efficiency.” When we look at Happy Design Studio, we look at a firm which embraces the foundational, that considers the overall impact and that celebrates the age of customisation in which we now live. Where once simplicity and uniformity was key, now customers expect something bold and unique. That’s what Happy Design Studio deliver, and that’s what has brought them such success within the aviation industry. Company: Happy Design Studio Name: Didier Wolff Email: [email protected] Web Address: https://www.happydesign.net/ With an incredible range of aviation businesses flying around the world, a unique image that defines your craft is a just-have. For Didier Wolff of Happy Design Studio, it’s a passion which he takes incredibly seriously. To him, there is a certain poetry to aircraft and sky, such that the aircraft in the ultimate 3D sculpture and the sky the ultimate gallery. It’s little wonder, with such an eye for detail, that he is awardwinning in many different areas. Since 2009, Didier has been creating unique aircraft liveries for his clients, shamelessly ignoring marketing demands and analysis in favour of a old approach that captures peoples’ imaginations. “I guide the painting process in its entirety in order to to ensure the exact match with the original project validated by my clients, and most of all make sure that it has been painted in agreement with the aviation state of the art rules. Apart from this, my work is not subject to any compromise.” Such strength of attitude is why his designs are in such high demand. “Traditionally, aircraft livery design has always erred on the side of caution: one or perhaps two colours, a logo here, and a line there,” Dec22369 Jane Henderson AI Global Media Ltd J Henderson Have been named This is to certify that: Awarded (Month Year) Company name or company logo Award title CERTIFICATE AWARD WINNER AWARD WINNER
