The Business Concept Q3 2022

15. making sure you’re sourcing products with a strong demand will help you transition successfully. “A common error I see people make time and time again though, which often leads to failed expansion strategies is not managing cash flow effectively. For example putting too much capital into one product or buying products that aren’t sellable in the US market such as hazardous products, restricted brands etc., so planning ahead properly is vital. “An expansion into any new market, nevermind one as big and complex as the US can be overwhelming, so you should always carefully consider your plan and if you can, seek advice from others in the industry as there is so much that can be learnt from someone that already has that experience and daily industry exposure. For example, we often advise and assist UK businesses in their expansions and we’ve helped many to improve the speed of their expansion, lower costs and simplify their export/import processes.” Kevin Blackburn, Co-Founder and Director of Systemise Fulfilment, who is based at the HQ in the UK commented: “Starting an eCommerce business really opens up a world of possibilities. Both myself and my partner and Co-Founder Kylie started our own eCommerce business from home buying and selling products on eBay in 2015. We quickly expanded so much that we were able to quit our jobs and move into a warehouse. Now we sell products across the globe as well as advise and manage the prep and order fulfilment for hundreds of other eCommerce businesses worldwide. “Myself, Jake and Ales are keen to inspire and help other entrepreneurs to follow their dreams as we have first-hand experience of the life-changing success that can come from the world of eCommerce. We know the benefits that can be gained from implementing well thought out systems and processes that are designed to succeed in certain markets, which can be very different from one country to another”.